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Basement bathroom vanity/toilet installView Quote Detail and Status  Pin This Job Request  Pin This Job Request  Report This Job Request
QO No. : 1429

 Detail of The Job Request 
This Job Request is Closed
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Started9/25/2022 12:00:05 PM Service Property AddressProperty address viewable for logged in users only
Ends11/25/2022 1:15:57 PM County RegionVA - Loundon County
Requester (Ratings)requester information viewable for logged in users only 
Times this request is viewed36
Description of the job request
We need the following installed in the basement bathroom: 1. Vanity 2. Hot/cold water fixtures for vanity 3. Toilet 4. Vanity mirror 5. Two light sconces - one of each side of the vanity mirror. The electrical work is finished. We are working on getting a countertop/sink installed on the vanity.
bath vanity - front viewbath vanity - top viewvanity mirror


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Basement bathroom vanity/toilet install
QO No. : 1429

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Transmitted: 3/13/2025 3:53:43 PM